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News, updates & daily life of a Brewer


Now Is the Time

Updated: Feb 27, 2022

I have recently experienced something quite interesting.

In accidental conversations with two different EC residents the subject of ‘the brewery’ came up. Previously I had been led to believe that these particular folks were against our small brewery.

- In the first instance the gentleman volunteered, “I’m not really against it so long as it is small.”
- In the second, the family was actually in favour but kept their support quiet for fear of local retribution.

I must admit I am an optimist. Still it has long been my belief that most people when presented with the facts are supportive of our small, local venture… or at least have no strong objection to it.

With that in mind, now is the time to overwrite the divisive vitriol with positive remarks that speak calm to the noise.

If you have ever been inclined to support our plans to open a (very) small brewery and (tiny) tasting room in the Parish of Amport just outside Andover, now is the time.

Please take ten minutes to read this note and send a positive comment to TVBC.

Its just that I'm a very positive person and for months now there has been an extremely negative campaign organised against our plans. This campaign, run by a few, has used disinformation to vilify and spread fear. And that fear has motivated some otherwise friendly people to act in an unfriendly way.

Just three (of the many) examples of disinformation:

- Ever expanding scale and scope. It is now a microbrewery, at least ten times the (original) scale.
- There will be pollution: loud music, bright lights, putrid smells, and unknown quantities of effluent polluting the land and brook.
- Large delivery trucks and customer traffic will overrun the village, the farm, and the footpaths.

The truth...

Our local plans have never changed. A nano-brewery is a microbrewery… which is a brewery. And our size is still the same. (A 300-litre system.)

I presented our plan for a brewery, tasting room, (and possible small café) to the Amport Parish Council 18 May 2021. There were no objections, only positive comments.

I distributed the full and complete business plan to community leaders (including the counsellor from East Cholderton). Again, to no objection and only positive comment. Today’s plan is that same plan!

We have not applied for music permits and there have never been plans for loud music of any kind at any time. Our hours, as in the original business plan, are limited. Brewing itself is a quiet operation, and the tasting room is small and faces away from the village. Have you been to a craft brewery tasting room? You could not find a nicer group of well-behaved people!

As for lighting, of course we want to operate safely but we have no plans to install large numbers of high-powered security lights. The farm has a few already, and we may add to those smartly. But we will be considerate if we do.

Brewing is a non-invasive process and the aromas, if you are lucky enough to be within smelling distance, are truly lovely… fresh baked bread or simmering porridge, but only if you come close.

Our water usage will be surprisingly small, starting at about two-hundred-fifty litres a day, and when brewing at capacity, sometime in the future, we will use less than four hundred litres per day. We vow to do no harm to the environment. One of our key beliefs is sustainability. We will recycle as much as possible and treat our minimal effluent with proper care.

Our deliveries will come only a few times each month and will mostly consist of transit vans and small rigid lorries. Farm equipment and grain lorries are already in use on site and much bigger than anything we would need. (And they work seamlessly and safely with livestock, horses, and walkers.) And, as for customers, our goal is to minimise vehicular traffic. Guests will be encouraged to walk or cycle to our space. If traffic becomes an issue, we will work with the farm and the village to address it.

If you are reading this you already know the truth… we are truly small, dedicated to the community, and want to use our craft for good.

But the only way to show our goodness to those who presently oppose the Brewery is to get our permissions, make really good beer in a quiet, peaceful, non-polluting way, and use it for local good.

Please, if you have not already sent a letter of support, send one today.

Keep it short focusing on one or two positive points. We may not get our permission but the last comments will at least leave a positive impression.

You may send a short letter via email to the case officer, or you may login to the Test Valley planning portal and make a comment, Login ( You can search using our application number 21/03726/CLPN. The new deadline for comment is Tuesday 1 March.

Here are a few great comments based on fact that other friends have made publicly. Feel free to recycle one or two or add your own. Thank you!

· I am writing in support of Breach Farm Brewing and its Lawful Development Certificate.

· I believe the Brewery will be a benefit to the local community.

· It has brewed in support of community events and donated to local causes.

· It is an excellent location for walkers and cyclists to use as a destination and I would walk or cycle there.

· It will be nice to see improvements to the building and grounds.

· The owners have worked hard to be good neighbours (and fit in with the community).

· The Brewery and tasting room are an ideal business for a small village, rural location, and will be a safe space to come together.

· This is a very small-scale operation as compared to most microbreweries.

· Dozens of microbreweries throughout England operate successfully in village areas without nuisance to neighbours.

· Small breweries have a long history on farms in England.

· Breach Farm Brewing wishes to be a support venue for home and craft brewers continuing education.

· The Brewery lines up well with TVBC’s adopted local plan for:

o Leisure, health, and wellbeing

o Re-use of buildings in the countryside

o Protect, conserve, and enhance the landscape character of the borough

o Employment site

o Tourism

o Education and learning

And please share this information (quickly) as additional letters would be helpful. A favourable response from Test Valley means our community brewery and tasting room could begin brewing in the spring.

Cheers, and thank your for smiling through it all,

Tim H

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